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What is Classroom Management?

by Munmun Akhter
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What is Classroom Management?

Classroom management is a broad term that refers to the many skills and techniques teachers use to keep students on task, organized, focused, attentive, productive, and on task during class. Teachers can minimize student and group learning if they use classroom management strategies effectively.

This allows them to maximize learning by minimizing negative behaviors. Effective teachers are able to manage classrooms well. A chaotic classroom with many students not paying attention or working hard is an indication of inexperienced or less competent teachers.

A traditional view of classroom management may be limited to “compliance”, which is the strategy and rules that teachers use to ensure students follow directions and listen attentively. However, a more comprehensive and updated view of classroom management would include behavior, which refers to teachers’ actions to promote or improve student learning.

This includes encouraging statements, positive attitudes, happy facial expressions, encouragement statements, fair and respectful treatment of students, and fair treatment. Environment (for example, a well-lit, welcoming classroom with stimulating learning materials organized to support learning activities), Expectations (the quality of student work teachers expect, the manner in which students are expected to behave towards other students, the agreements made by teachers with them), Materials (the types of materials, equipment and other learning resources used by teachers), and Activities (the learning experiences teachers create to stimulate students’ passions, intellectual curiosity, and interests).

Classroom management is not something that can be separated from the many other decisions made by teachers. Poorly designed lessons, ineffective learning materials, and unclear expectations could all lead to increased student disinterest, higher behavioral problems, and unruly classes. This more holistic view of classroom management makes it possible to distinguish between good teaching and effective classroom management.

Although classroom management techniques can seem simple in practice, integrating them seamlessly into instruction requires many sophisticated techniques and a lot of experience. Although the methods used to manage classrooms or facilitate learning may vary in their purpose and execution, these examples are taken from Teach Like a Champion: 49 Techniques That Put Students on the Road to College by Doug Lemov. They provide an overview of some basic classroom-management techniques.

What is Classroom Management

What is Classroom Management

  • Entry Routine is an approach in which teachers establish a consistent daily routine. This routine begins when students enter the classroom. Examples of entry routines include preparing learning materials, passing in homework, and doing a short physical activity. This can prevent the chaos and waste of time that can be associated with the start of class periods.
  • Do It Now is an activity students receive as soon as they enter the classroom. This is a quick way to get students focused, productive, and ready for instruction.
  • Tight transitions are a technique where teachers create routines for students to follow quickly and without any guidance from them. A teacher might say, “Reading time,” and students will be aware that they must stop working and get their books. This helps maximize instructional time and reduces the delay and disarray that can accompany transitions between activities.
  • Seat Signals This is a technique where students use nonverbal signals to indicate they need something. For example, to request a pencil, a break, or to help solve a problem. This technique helps students establish expectations and minimize disruptions in class.
  • Props refer to the act of publicly acknowledging and praising students for doing something positive, such as answering difficult questions or helping a peer. Props are performed by the whole class. It is usually a simple movement or spoken phrase. This technique is designed to create a culture where learning achievements and positive actions are valued and rewarded.
  • Nonverbal intervention is when teachers make eye contact with students or use gestures to let them know that they are distracted, not paying attention, or behaving badly. This technique allows teachers to silently and efficiently manage student behavior, without interrupting lessons.
  • Positive group correction is a verbal affirmation that lets students know what to do. Similar techniques include Anonymous Individual Correction which is a verbal reminder directed at an anonymous student; Personal Individual Correction which is a reminder sent to an individual student as discretely as possible; and Lightning Quick Public Correction which is a quick, positive reminder telling an individual student what they should do, instead of what they shouldn’t do.
  • Do it Again is used to correct students who fail to complete a task. This technique reinforces the expectation for high-quality work and establishes a consistent standard.

What is classroom management?

Classroom management allows teachers to direct the learning and direction in their classroom. Classroom management is used by teachers to keep students engaged in learning and prevent disruptions from slowing down the learning process.

Teachers can use a variety of classroom management methods to keep students focused on learning. These include hands-off classroom management that focuses on cooperation, the direction of the class, and direct classroom management to make sure they are not disruptive to their peers. Classroom management is an essential aspect of high-quality education. It keeps students on track and helps prevent disruptions from slowing down learning.


Strong classroom management has been a requirement since the inception of formal educational institutions. Traditional schools fostered a culture that required strict discipline.

This, according to current standards, was a violation of many children’s human rights. Teachers were unable to manage disruptive behavior in elementary or middle schools in the mid-1970s due to a lack of classroom management skills. This led to a decline in quality education and teaching in general.

Therefore, during the research and presentation of the problem in the classroom, all possible solutions and research findings that were obtained by educational sciences fell under the umbrella of classroom management. This term was not used in daily communication between educators before this period.

Although the term is very broad, classroom management can be defined as a process in which teachers use certain techniques, strategies and principles to ensure a classroom environment conducive to facilitated learning and teaching, better focus on learning, and elimination/suppression of poor behavior in class.

What is Classroom Management

What is Classroom Management

Classroom management is vital

Because it has an impact on a variety of factors that ultimately result in quality education for the child, classroom management can be as important as expert knowledge in the field. These are the indicators of effective classroom management:

  • Enhances students’ academic learning (general teacher skills).
  • This reduces the incidence of distracting behavior and bullying.
  • It creates a friendly and comfortable classroom environment that allows for social and emotional learning. It encourages interpersonal communication and emotion regulation (self-control), as well as self-awareness.
  • Good classroom management allows teachers to spend more time supporting students’ learning needs.
  • When teachers listen to students, academic engagement is higher.

Classroom management and discipline

Research in the field of educational sciences has shown that children are less likely to accept discipline when they are subject to harsh, external rules and restrictions with strict consequences. This is why teachers have been using certain classroom management techniques (i.e. Modifications of traditional methods and new insights into child-rearing have been successful in encouraging discipline in students.

Basic/general guidelines are required

No matter how adaptable teachers are to the times, there must be boundaries to ensure order and organization in the classroom. These are the basic/general rules:

  • It is forbidden to copy other students’ tests or cheat.
  • Interrupting a teacher or classmate while they speak is against the rules
  • Lateness to class after 5 minutes breaks will not be tolerated
  • Talking in class is only allowed during group or interactive exercises
  • Because they can distract, mobile phones are not permitted in classes.

Students must make a promise

This practice fosters a sense of responsibility that is often lacking in our society today. The student makes a promise and accepts responsibility. Failure to keep it will result in a discussion with the teacher and fellow classmates. The social dimension can play a significant educational role and makes the responsibility even more important.

Consistency when expressing beliefs

Recognizing consistency in the words of their teachers is one-way students can be encouraged to be disciplined. Teachers will encourage students to follow the same teaching principles and be consistent in their expectations. Students will feel obligated to do so and will try to fulfill this obligation.

A teacher shouldn’t react to every student’s mischief

Each student wants attention. Some students use virtue signaling to show their sports achievements or high grades, while others use mischief in an attempt to get the attention of teachers and their peers. The teacher, with his/her knowledge and experience of the child, can identify which behaviors are unacceptable and what should be addressed. Children are naturally exuberant and restless, so reacting to their mischiefs can disrupt the unity of the classroom.

The main principles of successful classroom management

To make a class work, teachers must establish and maintain trust with students. All teachers should follow these principles to ensure successful classroom management.

What is Classroom Management

What is Classroom Management

 To build trust with students, the teacher must be open with them

Junior grades in elementary school are especially good at recognizing honesty and sincerity in adults. The teacher should be willing to make mistakes and learn from them in order to build trust and become a role model for students. Once students trust the teacher, they must be able to recognize when the teacher needs to address them. When he/she needs to intervene, it doesn’t matter if it’s about praise or critique.

Students can misinterpret teachers’ intentions, so it is important that teachers are careful about telling students the truth. This is especially true in junior grades. It is up to the teacher how they adapt their teaching methods to students in order to create the best class organization.

The teacher must be approachable and humble

Teachers must put aside their problems and smile when teaching. They should also let go of their egos and admit when they don’t know the answer to a student’s question.

The teacher must live by the teachings he/she makes

The fact that children learn best through inquiry (usually from adults/authority figures), means that the teacher cannot expect them behave in a certain manner if they behave differently. To be a role model for their students, the teacher must practice what he/she preaches.

Participation of parents

Teachers have found that harmony is easier when they are in contact with students’ parents. The time spent at school is not comparable to the time that children spend with their parents. Therefore, parents understand children better than anyone else. Parents can help students identify problems and adjust their organizational skills to meet them.

Last thing on classroom management

We tried to provide the basics of classroom management and some of its principles and practices that have been successful. This is only a small part of classroom management. It is not possible to implement a single rule or pattern. Instead, it will depend on the teacher’s creativity and the use of practices and principles that can be applied to promote good behavior and effective classroom management.

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What is Classroom Management

What is Classroom Management

What are the benefits of classroom management?

It is vital that students learn in a safe environment. A key component to ensuring that students achieve their academic potential is good classroom management. Students will be more successful if they have better classroom management skills.

Effective classroom management is essential for both students and teachers. Classroom management of high quality allows teachers to control the direction of their classroom while students are prevented from disrupting their classmates and reducing their ability to learn.

What are the challenges in classroom management?

There are many challenges teachers face when managing classrooms. Teachers face a variety of classroom management challenges, including disruptive students who slow down or interrupt learning. Ineffective or poorly designed management techniques can also lead to student behavior problems. Most teachers are skilled in using a range of classroom management techniques to ensure that their classes remain focused and free from disruption.

What are your thoughts on classroom management?

Classroom management is often the difference between a well-managed classroom and one that fails to reach its educational goals. A teacher’s ability to understand and apply classroom management techniques will allow him or to keep her classroom on track to achieving its academic goals and maximizing productivity.

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