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8 Supplements For Ageless Skin That Dermatologists Approve

by Aminul Islam
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The desire to keep your skin healthy and look young will never stop, especially when we age and begin to see signs of aging appear on our faces and our bodies. There are plenty of anti-aging remedies available dermatologists recommend and include these eight that you must be aware of.

8 Supplements For Ageless Skin That Dermatologists Approve

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1) Vitamin C

When our bodies do not get adequate vitamin C intake, this may result in wrinkles. It’s not difficult to find vegetables and fruits (or vitamins C supplements in case you don’t take them) to provide us with our daily dose of vitamin C. Some of our top picks include green and red bell peppers, strawberries grapefruit juice and pineapple.

Always be sure to look for ingredients like Vitamin C since it may shield your skin from UV radiation. On the label of sunscreen, make sure you check for Vitamin C, or Ascorbic Acid. Also search for a product with hyaluronic acid is a great ingredient to moisturize the skin! Be cautious, however, as the high dosage of vitamin C could cause diarrhea.

2) Collagen

Collagen is a naturally-occurring protein found in our bodies that helps to keep your hair, skin, and nails healthy. As we age, collagen production decreases which can lead to wrinkles, thin hair, and weak nails. However, there is a way to boost collagen production and lessen the age-related signs by using an antioxidant supplement called collagen. Collagen can be found in food items like fish, and others animal products. However, consuming them often can be challenging when you are on the vegan lifestyle or have particular allergies. However, there are many supplements that contain collagen that can provide the anti-aging benefits of collagen without the need to consume daily animal proteins!

3) Retinol

Retinol research has proven that it increases the elasticity of your skin and helps to reduce wrinkles and fine lines. Retinol is more irritating than other ingredients for anti-aging, so it is recommended to apply it after washing your face to reduce inflammation. Only apply it once a day, but you may need less of it as time passes. Find retinol solutions that don’t contain any fragrance as well as free of oil (to prevent irritation).

If retinol is too harsh for your skin, consider using tretinoin. Tretinoin boosts collagen production and aids in helping regenerate skin, said Jessica Weiser, MD, dermatologist based in New York City. A form of vitamin A derivative, tretinoin is able to be used in the evening and in less quantities than the retinol. You should look for gel or cream formulas that contain zinc oxide or titanium dioxide (which blocks UV light from entering the skin) and zinc oxide. These are the same ingredients are commonly used in sunscreen.

8 Supplements For Ageless Skin That Dermatologists Approve

8 Supplements For Ageless Skin That Dermatologists Approve

4) Coenzyme Q10

This anti-aging supplement for skin benefits people in two ways. First, it is a powerful antioxidant. In addition to helping prevent sun damage, it can help fight cancer and heart disease by targeting harmful free radicals in your body. CoQ10 increases blood flow to your skin, which helps keep your complexion looking fresh and youthful. And because it supports collagen production, coenzyme Q10 is one of the best supplements recommended by dermatologists for ageless skin.

5) Turmeric

A 2014 study published in Molecular Nutrition and Food Research examined several popular supplements, including turmeric. Scientists have found that resveratrol, curcumin, and piperine taken together when applied to skin cells reduce the signs of aging. Turmeric is a powerful antioxidant with anti-inflammatory properties. Researchers have also found that it has potential anti-cancer properties by inhibiting the growth of cancer cells and suppressing tumor angiogenesis (the tumor’s ability to generate its own blood supply).

Turmeric from Curcuma longa has been reported to be safe to take orally up to 8 grams per day for three months; However, there is no scientific consensus on how turmeric affects skin health—more research is needed before any recommendations can be made. Be sure to consult your doctor if you have any questions or concerns about using supplements for ageless skin.

6) Biotin

Biotin is a vitamin that helps your body make more natural fatty acids and metabolize glucose. Low levels of biotin have been linked to skin problems such as acne, hair loss and skin tags. Experts recommend taking 100-200 micrograms of biotin per day if you’re using supplements for ageless skin with dry, itchy, flaky patches. Your dermatologist can also prescribe a topical solution—many serums and anti-aging creams on the market today contain biotin, which energizes aging cells!

In addition to these supplements for ageless skin, make sure you’re getting enough water (64 ounces per day), eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables (about five servings per day), exercising regularly (even if it’s just walking around your neighborhood or at home), smoking Or avoiding alcohol and getting seven hours of sleep each night.

8 Supplements For Ageless Skin That Dermatologists Approve

8 Supplements For Ageless Skin That Dermatologists Approve

7) L-Carnitine

L-Carnitine is found naturally in red meat and helps convert fat into energy. It is also essential for supplying fatty acids to the cells, helping to keep the skin firm. Studies have shown that L-carnitine can improve skin elasticity by aiding in nutrient delivery and cell repair. A lack of L-carnitine in your diet, however, can lead to poor muscle recovery from exercise and a reduced ability to burn calories even at rest. In other words, if you want to prevent skin aging (and who doesn’t), adding L-carnitine supplements to your diet can help!

8) Vitamin E

Getting enough vitamin E is key to preventing skin damage. Your body naturally produces vitamin E, but as you age, your body does not produce it as quickly or efficiently. Taking the supplement provides enough boost to help maintain healthy skin. The recommended daily dose for adults is 15 mg of alpha-tocopherol and this number can be increased to 1000 mg per day for those at high risk of developing skin problems.

Vitamin E helps prevent cell oxidation, which can lead to wrinkles and damaged skin. Additionally, vitamin E helps preserve collagen in your skin to keep it looking firm and smooth. If you want healthy-looking skin from head to toe, you should consider taking supplements.

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